Cover, Junior / Half-Letter Size, Discbound/Disc-Punched
$ 3.49
Discbound Marketplace is clearing its inventory of "junior/half-letter" sized poly covers! Don't limit yourself - take control and use notebooks that make you and your eyes happy.
Change colors with the holidays and seasons if you like! Plan to enjoy your day.
- Colors in Black, Frosted Clear, and Clear; made of durable poly. Black is solid, Frosted Clear and Clear are translucent.
- Covers are sized 6-1/4" x 8-1/2".
- Additional colors available with a minimum of 100 units.
- Each cover is pre-punched for disc-binding.
- Each cover has smooth rounded corners on the non-punched edge (top and bottom right).
- Paper and discs are not included (sold separately, click on the word for a link).
- Free shipping (U.S. only) on orders over $75.
All Discbound Marketplace products are compatible with all disc-bound systems (Circa by Levenger, Arc M by Staples, Martha Stewart, Atoma, Rollabind, Happy Planner).
Wholesale and custom discbound requests are welcome.
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Important "fine print."
Discbound Marketplace is an independent seller of disc-bound notebook related materials. It is not affiliated in any way whatsoever with any manufacturer or provider of disc bound systems or products. Some items may carry original manufacturer branding information. All equipment is sold "as is" with an express disclaimer of all warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose; there is no assumption of any liability in connection with the equipment.